creativity- the ability to develop new ideas/ discover new ways to attack problems/ opportunities (competitive advantage)
to make change (advantage) / to be changed (consequences)
to become engine of innovation/ cast of limiting assumptions/ beliefs/ behaviors to develop insight into relationships among resources/ needs/ value- change perspective. Be able to cast off shackles of creativity
anyone can be taught techniques/ behaviors that generate ideas
Left Brain: guided by linear/ vertical thinking (From one logical conclusion to next) language/ logic/ symbols. processes info step by step. narrowly focused/ systematic. convergent reasoning- evaluate and choose best ideas (entreps must use to judge market potential of generated ideas)
Right Brain: relies on kaleidoscope-patterns/ lateral thinking (considering problem from all POV) emotions/ intuition/ spacial functions. processes all at once-relying on images. unsystematic. “is there a better way”. divergent reasoning- create original/ diverse ideas (entreps mainly rely on to generate innovative P/S and bus. ideas)
innovation- ability to apply creative solutions to problems/ opportunities to enhance people's lives
entrepreneurship- the result of a disciplined/ systematic process of applying creativity/ innovation to the needs of the opportunities in the marketplace (connect creative ideas with the purposeful action/ structure of business)
process relies on creativity/ innovation/ application in the marketplace/ compet renders them obsolete
failure is apart of creative process/ bold to try new ideas/ throw bad ones out/ learn from them
small bus create innovations reactively (response to feedback)/ or proactively (capitalizing opportunities) or revolutionary (creating market change)/ evolutionary (elaborating on products)
Barriers to creativity:
searching for the one right answer: most problems are ambiguous/ drained of potential
focusing on being logical: when evaluating/ discourages intuition/ creative process
blindly following the rules: creativity depends on breaking rules to be original. overcome biases
constantly being practical: restricts creative solutions/ take product in one area/ place it differently
viewing play as frivolous: play reinvents reality/ learn to try approaches/ discover functionality (take what was learned/ evaluate/ collaborate with knowledge/ put into practice) push boundaries
being overly specialized: Myopic thinking-creativity killer/ narrowly focused/ limited to status quo
avoiding ambiguity: encourages to think something different but excessive detail stifles creativity. Ambiguity is important to stretch minds to consider creative options/ not during implementation
feering looking foolish: new ideas rarely born in conformity. Creative destruction- break traditions
fearing mistakes/ failures: something new leads to failure/ learning experience/ set aside and keep trying
Believing that i'm not creative: self fulfilling prophecy. excuse for inaction. everyone has potential
Enhance creativity- achieving innovation
establish environment/ encourage development and cultivate them/ ensuring freedom and incentive
include as company value/ integral part of culture/ incorporate innovation into mission statement
innovation is a competitive weapon in industries resistant to change/ hire for creativity
encourage interaction to create flow of ideas/ eliminate bureaucratic obstacles/ provide support for innovation
embrace diversity/ expect creativity/ expect failure and learn from it/ incorporate fun into work environment
encourage curiosity/ design space to encourage creativity /view problems as opportunities
provide creativity training: accomplished through books/ seminars/ workshops/ meetings
develop procedure for capturing ideas/ interact with customers/ monitor trends/ how to capitalize
look for company products/ services in other markets/ reward creativity/ model creative behavior
business model innovation: customer service process/ distribution system/ customer value stream-higher return
Enhance individual creativity
allow yourself to be creative/ forget the rules/ give your mind fresh input everyday
take up a hobby/ travel and observe/ observe competitors products in different markets
recognize creative power of mistakes/ notice what is missing/ transform trash into treasure/ keep a journal
listen to others/ get sleep/ watch movie/ do something unusual/ talk to a child/ keep a toy box in office
take note of your pain points/ don't throw away bad ideas/ collaborate with others/ doodle
read books on stimulating creativity/ take classes/ take time off/ be persistent
The creative process
Preparation: training/ education/ experience to build creativity and innovation
Investigation- understand situation/ create new ideas and solutions
Transformation- viewing differences/ similarities among collected information
Convergent Thinking- see similarities/ connections among data and events
Divergent Thinking- see differences among data and events
Incubation- reflect on info collected/ occurs while the individual is away from the problem/ unrelated activity
Illumination- spontaneous breakthrough/ all stages together produces “Eureka factor”- created innovation idea
Verification- validating a realistic idea (experiments/ simulations/ test marketing)
Implementation- transform idea into reality (entrep. philosophy: ready aim fire) acting on ideas
Techniques for improving creative process
Brainstorming- small group that interact with very little structure/ goal to produce imaginative ideas (Right Brain)
Mind mapping- graphical technique encourages thinking on both side of brain/ displays relationship among ideas/ improves visibility of a problem from many sides (jumping from 1 idea to next)-- (Right Brain)
Force field analysis- evaluating forces that support/ oppose change (weigh out dis/ advantages)
Triz- systematic approach to solve technical problems (theory of inventive problem solving) (Left Brain)
scientific step by step process based on study of hundreds of global/ innovative patents
Rapid prototyping- creating model of idea/ discover flaws/ make improvements (3Rs- rough/ rapid/ right)
Intellectual Property
Patent: trademark office sends a grant to the inventor giving the exclusive right to make/ use/ sell (2 0years)
Establish inventions novelty: not patentable if it has been used or mentioned in print
Document the device/ Search existing patents and study search results
complete and file the application with PTO (approval avg. 27.5 months)
Trademarks: distinct word/ phrase/ symbol/ design/ name/ slogan/ trade that company uses to distinguish
Service mark: offers same protection as trademark but distinguishes source of service rather than product
Trade dress: unique combination of elements a company uses to create a products image and to promote it
Copyright: exclusive right that protects creator of original works of authorship (artistic works/ literature)